Bicentenario de Independencia

Monday, February 15, 2010

Inició el 16 de septiembre de 1810, dentro de tres años estaremos celebrando aquel grito de guerra de Independencia, en el que Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla y Gallaga; en Dolores Guanajuato, la madrugada del 16 de septiembre se dirigió a la iglesia parroquial exaltando su arenga: ¡VIVA AMERICA! ¡VIVA FERNANDO VII! ¡MUERA EL MAL GOBIERNO! ¡MUERAN LOS GACHUPINES! este grito fue clamor de justicia social y de reivindicación a los que menos tienen, los indígenas, los explotados de este país.
Para 1810, es decir, hace 197 años el extenso territorio de la Nueva España tenía 6 millones 122 mil habitantes; de ellos el 90% eran ¡ANALFABETAS! la desigualdad social era insultante, bien lo decía el Barón Vond Humbolt “esta es la tierra de la abundancia y la desigualdad” , a Miguel Hidalgo lo seguían 128 sacerdotes insurgentes, que participaban más que nada, en conciencia de la dignidad humana, para que el indígena rompiera las cadenas de esclavitud.
Las causas: - La injusticia social
El desequilibrio económico;
España y la corona española eran ricas y prósperas;
El acaparamiento por parte de los peninsulares de los altos puestos públicos
Las diferencias creadas entre el alto y el bajo clero
La influencia de los filósofos y enciclopedistas franceses, que sustentaban la doctrina de la soberanía popular como fuente de poder público.
La Revolución Industrial.
La Independencia de las colonias de América del Norte, y
La Revolución Francesa; enorme parte aguas de la historia de la humanidad

Maestro nos gustaria que respondiera la siguiente pregunta:

¿Qué hara usted para celebrar el bicentenario?


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Justice (fairness)originates among those who are approximately equally powerful.
Justice means giving each person what he or she deserves, or, in more traditional terms, giving each person his or her due.


Brendan has been doing poorly in math and his parents had threatened that if he didn’t raise his grades they wouldn’t let him play on the baseball team. So he cheated. When the teacher asked him about it, he denied it at first, but finally admitted to writing down the answers ahead of time.
A parent conference was called and Brendan had to sit with his parents, the teacher, and the principal to discuss the school policy on cheating and lying. On the way home, his father told Brendan he was deeply disappointed in him and expected more from him in the future.
That weekend, Brendan and his family went to a movie. When they got to the ticket window Brendan’s dad asked for children’s tickets for both Brendan and his 16 year old brother. Brendan looked over at his brother, who stared down at the sidewalk and hunched his shoulders hoping the ticket seller wouldn’t notice that he was well above the age for a child’s ticket. The ticket seller glanced suspiciously back and forth between the father and the brother, and then, with a doubtful look on her face, she handed them the the two child’s tickets.
On the way home from the movie, Brendan asked his father why it was okay to lie and cheat the theater out of money but not to cheat on his math quiz. His dad responded that sometimes its okay to lie as long as nobody gets hurt.

Is this fair to Brendan?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010